When Should I Add Umbrella Insurance to My Existing Policies?
We’ve all had those moments where our insurance coverage didn’t hold out. Maybe it was when costs exceeded your policies’ payout limits. Maybe it was something you thought you were covered for by an existing policy, only to find out you weren’t. Beyond getting better insurance policies, it might be time to look at other insurance to shore up your coverage. It might be time to add umbrella insurance to your existing policies for improved liability protections for you and your family – and even beyond.
What Is Umbrella Insurance?
Umbrella insurance is a liability insurance policy that improves the existing limits of your current policies and provides some additional coverage. Among its benefits, it features:
- Deeper Coverage: Every policy you have, from car to home, has payout limits. Umbrella insurance extends these limits, meaning you’re covered for more expenses.
- Improved Liability Protection: Adding umbrella insurance increases your liability protections, specifically libel, slander, and false imprisonment, giving you more legal protection.
- Multi-Policy Umbrella: This policy doesn’t apply to just one but multiple types of insurance. Homeowners, auto, watercraft, renters, and more!
- Low Cost: This policy costs very little each year to provide very deep coverage. If you find yourself in one of the situations below, umbrella insurance is a cheap investment.
When to Add Umbrella Insurance
Now that we’ve talked a little about how this policy works let’s look at a few common examples where people can get the most value out of bundling umbrella insurance together with their existing policies.
Changes in Personal Liability
Getting back into hosting parties post-COVID? Are your children getting into sports? Another car for the household? All these great opportunities also mean new liabilities. It’s important to know you’re covered by customizing your homeowners insurance.
Increased Public or Online Presence
If you’re finding yourself in the limelight, in real life or online, the risks of lawsuits surrounding libel and slander increase dramatically. Make sure you’ve got the legal tools to fight back through an umbrella policy.
If You Own Rental Units
This liability doesn’t just extend to your household. If you own a property you’re renting, umbrella insurance also can help cover your renters as well, extending increased liability protections to them and the property.
Want to learn more? Talk to us at the Safeside Insurance Agency, an independent insurance agency serving Worcester County and greater Massachusetts for over 30 years. We can help you bundle umbrella insurance with your policies, find better policies from a wide array of carriers, and answer any questions you might have. Contact us today or dive right into a quote to learn why we believe everyone can find the Right Insurance for the Right Price.