A Guide to Renting an Apartment in College
College is an amazing experience, but renting a college apartment can be a nail-biter. If you’re new to the leasing market or were burned by a previous encounter, it pays to go into any leasing office with a plan. Below, we outline several steps to prepare to meet a landlord, sign a lease, and get the right renters insurance. Learn how renting an apartment in college only get better with the right protection for you and your possessions.
Inspect the Apartment and the Lease Closely
Whether this is your first apartment or your second, it’s worth it to go over both the apartment itself and the related paperwork closely. Here are a few things in particular to review:
- What’s the condition of the apartment? Do an inspection of the apartment and ask about any pre-existing conditions. Take photos of any damage before you move in.
- What’s in the lease? Before you sign, make sure to inspect the lease carefully. When it comes to costs, it pays to know your credit score ahead of time and know your tenant rights in MA.
- Do you need renters insurance? Part of your lease may be a requirement to get renters insurance. If they do require it, make sure to shop around for coverage, not just their recommendation.
Do Your Homework on Renters Insurance
When it’s a requirement from a landlord isn’t the only time it makes sense to get renters insurance. If you have a lot of expensive items like entertainment systems, computers, bikes, or a lot of items in general, getting coverage for them makes sense. Not sure? Take a home inventory. If you’re moving in with multiple people, especially a partner, you’re increasing your risk in terms of liability and possessions. Renters insurance isn’t just for stuff; it also provides liability protection, an important thing to remember if you’re having a party.
Know More About Bundling Your Renters, Auto & More
If you’ve got a car, it might be worth looking at bundling your insurance. As mentioned above, increased liability protections can also be helpful in certain circumstances. Bundling renters and auto, and looking into bundling them with umbrella liability protections, can provide a lot of protection with little additional cost. It might also be a good time to rebalance your premiums and deductibles. Learn more about all of this in our blogs, Picking the Right Insurance Premiums and Deductibles for Your Situation and What Policies Should You Bundle with Renters Insurance?
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