What Factors into an Insurance Quote?

When you’re shopping for insurance, one of the first things you’ll do is get a quote. But what exactly goes into determining that number? Insurance companies consider a variety of factors when calculating a quote, each of which helps assess the level of risk you pose as a policyholder. Understanding these factors can give you a better idea of what to expect and how you might be able to lower your premium. Let’s break down the key elements that influence an insurance quote.  Continue reading What Factors into an Insurance Quote?

Summer Home Fire Safety: At-Home Risks

Summer is a time for outdoor fun, barbecues, and enjoying the warm weather, but it also brings increased risks of home fires. From man-made hazards like BBQs and firepits to seasonally higher temperatures, it’s crucial to be prepared and take preventive measures. This blog will cover essential summer home fire safety tips and highlight how insurance can protect you against fire-related damages.  Continue reading Summer Home Fire Safety: At-Home Risks

Attractive Nuisances and Your Liability Insurance

Homeownership comes with many responsibilities, including ensuring the safety of others on your property. Certain features, known as “attractive nuisances,” can pose significant risks, particularly to children, including those who trespass. Understanding what these are and how to protect against related liabilities is crucial. This blog will review common attractive nuisances and explain how liability insurance and additional umbrella coverage can safeguard you.  Continue reading Attractive Nuisances and Your Liability Insurance

Event Insurance or Umbrella Insurance for Liability Coverage?

If you’ve got a big event coming up, you’re doing a lot of planning. Beyond picking out the menu and breaking out the decorations, you might be thinking about the welfare of your guests, including what might happen in an accident. That focus on liabilities might convince you to invest in insurance to help, but what kind? Today, we’re looking at event insurance and umbrella insurance for liability coverage: which is most useful under what circumstances and how they work. Continue reading Event Insurance or Umbrella Insurance for Liability Coverage?

How Home Renovations and Homeowners Insurance Interact

Home renovations start as dreams, then become plans, then budgets, a major project happens, and then your home is closer to your dream. But one thing often overlooked in the planning stages is how a home remodel can affect your homeowners insurance—namely, your premiums and what’s covered. There are three primary ways that home renovations and homeowners insurance interact. Let’s go over them below. Continue reading How Home Renovations and Homeowners Insurance Interact

4 Insurance Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Congratulations on the house! As both a big investment and a big change in your lives, it’s important to get the right protection and understand how that coverage works. Homeowners insurance is as complicated and varied as the houses it protects, so learning as much as you can before you start shopping around can make sure there aren’t costly mistakes down the line. Learn four helpful insurance tips for first-time homebuyers from your friends at Safeside Insurance! Continue reading 4 Insurance Tips for First-Time Homebuyers

Reviewing Your Current Insurance in the New Year

A new year means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. New personal or financial goals, dealing with new purchases from the holidays, or a new business year. Regardless of your situation or plans, one thing everyone should do in the new year is revisit their insurance. Whether it’s homeowners, renters, auto, or business policies, reviewing your current insurance alongside your ambitions for this year is the first step to meeting your resolutions. Continue reading Reviewing Your Current Insurance in the New Year

Keeping Your Home Safe During Holiday Vacations

Whether you’re heading out for the winter holidays or a summer vacation, it’s important to leave behind a home that will be safe while you’re away. From avoiding accidents while you’re gone to deterring burglary with help from neighbors, preparing your home for a prolonged absence requires a little bit of work and planning. Regardless of if you live in a gated community apartment or an isolated house, learn how to keep your home safe during holiday vacations. Continue reading Keeping Your Home Safe During Holiday Vacations

Preparing Your Car and Home for Winter in New England

Even in New England, winter weather can sneak up on you, especially with the often milder fall days. But when it does hit—especially that first Nor’easter blizzard—if you’re unaware, your home and car are often the first to suffer for it. Whether you suddenly find an ice dam forming on your roof or are stuck in your car during a storm, learn how to mitigate the risks by preparing your car and home for winter when it strikes in Massachusetts. Continue reading Preparing Your Car and Home for Winter in New England