Summer Home Fire Safety: At-Home Risks

Summer is a time for outdoor fun, barbecues, and enjoying the warm weather, but it also brings increased risks of home fires. From man-made hazards like BBQs and firepits to seasonally higher temperatures, it’s crucial to be prepared and take preventive measures. This blog will cover essential summer home fire safety tips and highlight how insurance can protect you against fire-related damages.  Continue reading Summer Home Fire Safety: At-Home Risks

Renting Your Second Apartment: Getting Better Renters Insurance

When we move apartments, we always say how we’ll “do things right” this time and make changes for a better living situation. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly: no damaged furniture during the move, a great new space, and a better environment for your needs. But something is missing: when you rented your first apartment, how was your renters insurance? Today we’re going to talk about how for renting your second apartment your renters insurance can fill the gaps you did (and didn’t!) know about. Continue reading Renting Your Second Apartment: Getting Better Renters Insurance