Holiday Parties and Homeowners Insurance

‘Tis the season to be jolly! And while you’re decking the halls and anticipating that upcoming holiday party, it’s also a good time to review the protections you have for your home and guests with your homeowners insurance. We all want to be good hosts, anticipate needs, and make sure our guests are safe This requires an understanding of what your homeowners insurance policy does (and does not) cover and how you can help keep the holidays accident free. Continue reading Holiday Parties and Homeowners Insurance

What is Liability? Understanding Insurance and Risk

When looking at insurance – almost any type of insurance – you’ll see the word liability. It’s at the core of what insurance is for, the paying of costs incurred by the policyholder that is covered under the policy – that’s what liability is: something a person (or company) owes another. But what does it mean in the context of common insurance? And what does it mean to the larger concept of risk in insurance? Today we’re going to answer these questions, including some helpful examples. Continue reading What is Liability? Understanding Insurance and Risk

A Guide to Small Business Insurance for MA

Whether you’re an entrepreneur working out of a spare room at home, a generational mom-and-pop shop, or a bustling 50+ workforce in rented commercial property, you need small business insurance. For over 30 years, we’ve been helping small businesses in Massachusetts match their unique companies with customized commercial insurance, meeting the required insurances in MA and full coverage for their specific situations and industries. See what we recommend below to get started! Continue reading A Guide to Small Business Insurance for MA

When and Why You Should Get Renters Insurance

Even when you’re just renting, your apartment is your home. That’s why it’s important to treat your renter’s insurance just like a homeowner should treat theirs: not as a minimum requirement, but as an actual safeguard to possessions, liability, and other risks. There are many situations and factors that make getting renters insurance not only favorable but vital. Learn when and why you should get renters insurance for your needs. Continue reading When and Why You Should Get Renters Insurance

What MA’s Minimum Requirements for Car Insurance Don’t Cover

After spending all that money on your new sedan, hatchback, SUV, or truck, insurance can feel like an afterthought, with many young drivers only meeting the minimum requirements. For some, this can be a rude awakening when coverage doesn’t extend as far as they expected – for others, they want to look past MA’s minimum requirements for car insurance to see what they are missing out on for their vehicle, family, and peace of mind. Let’s look the requirements and how to improve them with additional policies. Continue reading What MA’s Minimum Requirements for Car Insurance Don’t Cover

When Should I Add Umbrella Insurance to My Existing Policies?

We’ve all had those moments where our insurance coverage didn’t hold out. Maybe it was when costs exceeded your policies’ payout limits. Maybe it was something you thought you were covered for by an existing policy, only to find out you weren’t. Beyond getting better insurance policies, it might be time to look at other insurance to shore up your coverage. It might be time to add umbrella insurance to your existing policies for improved liability protections for you and your family – and even beyond. Continue reading When Should I Add Umbrella Insurance to My Existing Policies?

The Importance of Customizing Your Homeowners Insurance

From the building itself to the things you own and those you share it with, your home is unique. So why isn’t your homeowner’s insurance? Whether you’re shopping for your first policy or dissatisfied with your current one, it’s important to know what you might be missing within one-size-fits-all policies or just meeting the bare minimum requirements for your HOA or mortgage. Learn more about what might be lacking from your current coverage and the importance of customizing your homeowner’s insurance – including why to use an independent insurance company. Continue reading The Importance of Customizing Your Homeowners Insurance

The Right Insurance for the Right Price: The Safeside Difference

We all remember the first time we debated making an insurance claim, only to finally understand that the “cheap” policy we owned had some very costly drawbacks. At Safeside Insurance, we help people who have been burned by one-size-fits-all policies and want to get the right insurance this time. What makes the difference? The insurance company and the agents behind it. Learn more about how working with a local independent agency can make all the difference and get you the right insurance for the right price. Continue reading The Right Insurance for the Right Price: The Safeside Difference